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режимы резания резьбы метчиком

режимы резания резьбы метчиком

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from june 14 to 24, 2002. international youth games in cis, baltic states and the regions of russia (later - games) will be held in moscow in 17 sport disciplines. they will become the main sports event in our capital. the program of the games includes basketball, volleyball, greco-roman wrestling, handball, unarmed self-defense (sambo), gymnastics and calisthenics, equestrian sport (training, show jumping), track and field athletics, swimming, synchronous swimming, sport dancing, tennis, fencing, soccer and chess competitions. the program of the games also includes demonstrative sport disciplines: bowling and pentathlon. the official opening ceremony will be on june 15, and the closing will be on june 23. it will be held on main sports arena in lujniki. the best young sportsmen will participate in youth games - combined teams of cis, baltic, seven federal regions of russia, moscow and saint petersburg. the participants` age is below 18. young participants of the competition will live in izmaylovo hotels. to cover this event in mass media the main press center will be opened in luzhniki, and sub-centers - in the areas of competitions. also the united internal television and radio press centers network will be set to work. moscow has a lot of experience in organization of the highest-level sport competitions (the last big complex competitions - international youth games of 1998).

A statement of stockholders equity is another name for the statement of shareholder equity.

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